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  • Maintenance & Repair

    Ole South A/C and Heating specializes in maintenance and repair services for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Here’s an overview of what their services might entail:

    1. Maintenance Services:
      • Regular maintenance is essential for keeping HVAC systems operating efficiently and prolonging their lifespan. Ole South A/C and Heating may offer maintenance plans that include scheduled inspections and tune-ups.
      • Maintenance tasks typically include cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting and cleaning coils, checking refrigerant levels, lubricating moving parts, testing system controls, and ensuring overall system performance.
    2. Repair Services:
      • In the event of HVAC system malfunctions or breakdowns, Ole South A/C and Heating provides prompt and reliable repair services.
      • Their technicians are trained to diagnose and repair various issues affecting HVAC systems, such as malfunctioning thermostats, faulty electrical components, refrigerant leaks, compressor problems, and airflow restrictions.
      • Whether it’s a minor repair or a major system overhaul, Ole South A/C and Heating aims to restore comfort and functionality to their customers’ homes or businesses efficiently and effectively.